Sunday, March 16, 2008

Something's Gotta Give...

I love this movie.

I LOVE this movie.

I planned my afternoon and evening around watching this movie (in fact, I'm watching the last hour of it right now).

I love Diane Keaton's character. Erica Jane Barry.

I love Erica's Hampton's home, decorated as if Sarah Richardson herself were on set, staging the home with flowers, wall sconces and Restoration Hardware bedsheets (hospital corners optional).

I love Erica's wardrobe, which matches her house perfectly. All whites and off-whites and oatmeals and khakis and baby blues. She never wears aubergene. She never wears red. She never wears orange. She does wear black, which even though it is in complete contrast to her house, seems to fit perfectly.

I love the beach that Erica's beautiful Hampton's home sits on. (I keep putting that apostrophe in Hampton's. Is that correct?) Anyway, I love the beach. I love the sound of the ocean. I love that it's right outside her doorstep. I want to live in that beautiful Hampton's home, with all its windows and white and baby blue and light and walk outside my home and be on that beach.

I love Erica's desk and chair, where she does her writing. It's a writers desk. A writer's chair. Unlike my desk, which I got from the "Take It As It Is" room at the local Ikea. Pitiful.

I love that Erica wears reading glasses. I wish I wore reading glasses, instead of stumbling throught the world half-blind with my serious near-sightedness and astigmatism.

I love Keanu Reeves' charcter - Julian. I love that Julian is a hot, young doctor who is completely head over heels for an older, intelligent woman.

I love the rainy scenes as much as the sunny scenes. The home, the beach, the whole thing is equally as beautiful in the rain. And so meloncholy, which suits my mood just fine.

The only thing that kills me is that at the end of the movie, Erica dumps Julian (who took her to PARIS for her birthday), for Harry, who showed up and crashed the party. Why does the smart, sexy, sassy woman always dump the smart, available, loving man for the playboy who jerked her around until he felt like he was ready? So. Not. Cool.

All this makes me wonder about my life. I realize that in my own life, something's gotta give. The hard part is figuring out exactly what that is, and then letting it go. But in the meantime, it's a great movie...

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